Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My First Entry

Today In Mr. Imhoof's class we had a profesional marine biologist named Mr. Denson. We went out to our pond and collected water samples. We found some really cool bugs. Then we looked at the bugs under the microscope and he put a video on the screen of what was under the microscope. It was a really fun day. I am glad I don't have to drink dirty water. We also saw a drangonfly larva. This was my favorite part of the day.


Debi said...

From Bama to Sciencemike, 3 dragonfly/damselfly haiku

out of nowhere,
wind blows a dragonfly
onward to winter

DW Bender

spring dream—
some say it was a dragonfly
that pinched my finger

DW Bender

first here, then there...
are you also uncertain,

DW Bender

Debi said...
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Debi said...

Copying some of my dragonfly haiku to the comments, I remembered a couple famous haiku. One is probably the most famous haiku in the world, by the master, Matsuo Basho [1644-1694]:

furuike-ya / kawazu tobu komu / mizu no oto

ancient pond
a frog jumps in
water's sound

Also, an algae haiku by a famous haiku poet, a woman named Sugita Hisajo ]1890-1946](Sugita is the surname):

shuncho ni/nagaruru mo ari/ya no gotoku

spring rapids
a shaft of algae whizzes by

a sprig of algae...on spring tides....
.......shoots by...swift as an arrow

The bottom one translation is written in an unconventional style (not the usual Western style of 3 lines). Haiku and nature appreciation go together = Science appreciation and haiku go together.

I blogged about your science homework site on one of my blogsites, Mike :^D. Because of that, you might have a few people (some poets, especially) from around the world looking at your blog from The Common Hours

Your crazy Bama

qualcosa di bello said...

your grandmother is quite proud of you & she is very have an awesome sense of humor! i look forward to seeing your science adventures unfold here. (i have 2 sons, ages 13 & 15 who love science too. the 13 yr. old keeps a weather blog that is on break until hurricane season gears up june 1)