Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Ok, what is nutrition? Nutrition is the thing that keeps your body healthy. Lets start with the top. Fats, oils and sweets are great for carbs. You can have them once in awhile but not all the time because you will get Fat!!!! The next thing is milk products. Milk, yogurt, cheese the list goes on and on. The great thing about them is that they have awesome amounts of calcium. Isn't that KOOL!!!! Next is Meat and Beans. There are tons of different meats and beans. All of them give you super amounts of protein (A.K.A muscle). 3rd is my favorite, fruits and vegies. There a tasty and healthy snack and give you vitamins to make everything in your body healthy, AWESOME I know! Last but certainly not least Grains. They give you so much fiber you cant explain it. Fiber is healthier for your heart and your digestive track. If you eeat these foods on a daily basis you will live a long and healthy life. BYE!!!!!!!!


Mark Imhoof said...

I love it! Thanks Science Genius Boy.


Debi said...

OK, i'ts Sunday, May 4, 2008. Where's Jimmy Neutron today?

qualcosa di bello said...

well done!!!

Debi said...


And it's good for your colon, too. ;^D
